February 27th
Rose Diamond
You have probably had times in your life when you seemed to walk through a doorway and everything changed; nothing was ever the same in your life again. Perhaps you fell deeply in love with a person, a place or a spiritual teacher? Or you may have lost someone you loved, birthed a child or said goodbye as your youngest child left home, or perhaps you even had a brush with death? The life changing event may have been in the political sphere, like 9:11 or a sudden realization there’s something you can do from your unique essence to create a better world.
These transformational moments often appear to come from outside, as acts of grace or events we haven’t chosen and can only respond to. Yet from a soul level we can look at all life experiences as choices and opportunities for learning.
But transformation doesn’t have to be hard work or painful, it can happen through gentle energy shifts which simply lift you into a more heart centered place and dissolve away limiting patterns, or through delightfully exciting heightened states of creativity in which you feel empowered to move forward and leave behind forever what was holding you back.
Transformation really means raising our consciousness to a higher level and our energy to a higher vibration. At the beginning, when we first start to experience heightened, more expanded states, we can easily fall back into more limited patterns, and this may serve to make life feel more problematic for a while. When we experience more consciousness everything in us which is still unconscious is brought into the light to be healed and integrated into a greater wholeness. After a while, when we practice expanding our consciousness consistently, over time, we start to live in this place more of the time, and when we fall back into limited patterns we are more resilient and recover more quickly.
This is how we become the change we want to see in the world, we literally become more peaceful, more loving, more free, more creative, and we change the world as we change ourselves, from the inside out.
There is an evolutionary consciousness pulsing through us now and calling us to extend and expand. And we can choose to co-create with this energetic universal intelligence.
Joining a learning community such as the 22 Days of Transformation is one way to participate more fully in this co-creation. And the transformation will happen on at least three levels: inside each one of us as we raise our individual vibration; between us as we build trust and community; and our collective energy will ripple out into the community at large and touch the world.
As we are joining together in this way, there are millions of others all over the world doing something similar. Imagine the power of this positive, peaceful, loving, creative energy when we are all linked up, breathing together, vibrating together, communing together. Surely, anything is possible for such a united, intentional force ?
Each one of us makes a difference and together we can do what seems impossible.
We are transitioning through profound global change
Few people can be in doubt we are transitioning through profound global change. Every day we feel the effects of living at a time when the old ways of organizing our collective life are no longer working, whilst new ways are just beginning to emerge. Some see this as a time of breakdown, as old systems which have sustained life, crack under the strain of increasing complexity. Everything seems to be in need of a radical overhaul: the way we work, our relationship skills, even our sense of self, are all challenged by change.
From a certain perspective, humanity appears to be a species hell-bent on extinction; one of evolution’s abundant experimental life forms failing to adapt. In the world at large, war, terrorism, the widening gap between rich and poor, peak oil, the environmental crisis of climate change and global warming, all contribute to a sense that we can no longer continue to live in the way to which we’ve become accustomed. All the signs are telling us: if we don’t want to perish, we must change. If we want to thrive, we must create something entirely new.
Alongside our collective lack of wisdom, humanity possesses great creative brilliance, and all the technological prowess we need to move into a new stage of evolution. We are a species which, when faced with the possibility of our own extinction, has the choice to evolve consciously. My hope is our current global crisis is providing just the right motivation in enough people, to bring about the shifts of consciousness required, to transform ourselves into a compassionate, globally responsible society, which values life and respects differences.
From “Living your Passion: How Love-in-action is seeding a Whole New World” by Rose Diamond. See http://www.awholenewworld.net/books.htm
Our time of connection this morning left me in a state of peacefulness throughout my entire being. Your own essence & form of leadership sets this tone for us all. Thank you for the opportunity to broaden into still another branch of community as we all continue the transformation of our beingness.
Standing in the brilliance of us all,