22 Days of Transformation, Day 2 March 1st 2010
We chose to leave behind what we no longer need; those thoughts and emotions that were dragging us down and keeping us small. And we chose to walk through a doorway into a new space: a fresh page, a blank canvas, a space where we are free to create.
In this new space we are the creators and we are co-creators. Here we can create whatever we choose. How cool is that? This is our playground.
But before we play, let’s relax. We’ve worked hard and journeyed far to get here and we have tended to think that relaxation is something we do when we’re tired or when we have “time to kill”.
Relaxation is essential for creativity. Notice how open you become when you’re truly relaxed, your whole being opens like a flower to receive the sun and the visitation of the bees.
Being open and receptive is the yin of creativity. When we are open we can receive the life-love force which is present everywhere and laden with intelligence and information. The life-love force speaks to us through nature, people, books, music, animals. It comes to us as ideas, images, impressions, impulses, dreams and longings. As co-creators, we receive and express this energy, each in our own unique way.
We are the Universe unfolding, the growing tips of Life.
Photo by Braveheart.
The shift from the head to the heart; from fear to love; and ultimately to whole mind.
The journey from the head to the heart involves remembering who we truly are.
At certain times in life, the heart feels the tug of the soul and hears the call to authenticity. When we choose to accept and respond to this call, we begin the journey to greater awareness and heightened consciousness.
We achieve our ultimate power and creativity when heart and mind are in balance, working together in harmony, and able to synthesize diverse elements into more inclusive wholes.
Photo by Siena Ammon