
Whole Mind Whole World e-book


Whole Mind-Whole World shows you how to re-vision and re-make the world embracing the values of wholeness and unity. It supports you through inner uncertainty and turmoil into higher levels of  truth, well-being, and creative power. So that you can realise your deepest wisdom, exercise your genius creativity, and connect with your most heartfelt compassion and spiritual freedom, for the good of the Whole.


This book should become part of an essential guide to lead the human race forward in living and occupying this planet in a more wholesome, simple, sustainable and sympathetic way.  After all we are all change agents for the future we want to see….

Lara Osgood, Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation Practitioner

This wise and compassionate book inspires you to believe in your power to create a future that works for all. As you follow the maps, guidance, inquiries, skills and practices in this book, simply being all of who you are and taking creative steps from that place of wholeness, you will become part of the solution to our global problems.

Whole Mind-Whole World is a new consciousness spreading throughout the planet awakening more and more people to an exciting sense of destiny. Many are in the transition to this new consciousness now but it doesn’t happen all at once. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated, stuck and filled with doubts. You may find yourself swinging between the polarities of light and freedom on the one hand, then experiencing the heaviness of suffering and limitation on the other. The chaos and tragedies arising everywhere can make you feel hopeless and despairing. You may even think there’s something wrong with you as you no longer fit into your life and your identity as it has been.

Rose Diamond invites you into a journey of discovery.

  • She inspires by sharing heart-felt stories of how she’s lived her life as a journey to higher consciousness and creative freedom;
  • She shows how she found meaning and purpose even within situations of trauma and loss and encourages you to embrace all your experiences, however uncomfortable;
  • Woven around her personal experience, Rose offers understandings and reflections on the process of inner transition and transformation developed over a lifetime as a whole-person educator and healer. These will help you to grow your confidence and trust in the process;
  • Inspiring cognitive maps point the way to higher perspectives so that you can better understand and navigate the territory,
  • She expands her themes through conversations with fellow practitioners and shows how we are all part of an ongoing evolutionary conversation and reassures you are not alone but part of a collective wave of Love-in-action building all around the world;
  •  Soul-stirring inquiry questions invite you to discover and stand firm in your own authentic truths and values;
  • Simple practices and skills build resilience and transformational muscles so that you can meet whatever comes with flexibility, courage, compassion, and ingenuity and learn how to make daily choices for the good of the whole.

Whole Mind-Whole World shows you how to re-vision and re-make the world embracing the values of wholeness and unity. It supports you through inner uncertainty and turmoil into higher levels of  truth, well-being, and creative power. So that you can realise your deepest wisdom, exercise your genius creativity, and connect with your most heartfelt compassion and spiritual freedom, for the good of the Whole.