June 14th 2010, by Rose Diamond
Stay cool in troubled times and
In these troubled times we are challenged to be super-human; to extend beyond our human limitations into our divine powers of love, creativity, forgiveness and compassion.
We’re each experiencing the challenge of global breakdown and breakthrough on many different levels, from staying cool in relationships as old patterns hit the fan, to how we respond to the gushing oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
It takes enormous vigilance and courage to stay awake, aware and open-hearted; to see and feel without getting lost in fear or hopelessness. Each of us has our own mental filter for interpreting events, colored by our political, religious or spiritual views, and distorted by our particular childhood wounds and traumas, the habitual ways we’ve learned to defend our hearts and minds. None of us sees the whole truth and to remember that is to remain humble and open to learning something new.
That’s one reason I love groups. Because even amongst like-minded people, everyone has a slightly different perspective and when we listen deeply to each other we can piece together and touch a larger truth.
Every Sunday, a small learning community, drawn from all over the US and Canada, meets for a one hour Soul Sanctuary on the telephone. We are holding an intention for planetary healing and experimenting with the best ways to direct our energies.
In the light of what appear to be profound and potentially far reaching disasters occurring around the world, what can an individual or a group, do to make a difference? How do we become empowered?
Each person has a different answer to this. For some, political or environmental activism is the key, others are active in local communities. In our Soul Sanctuary group there’s a general agreement that shifting consciousness to higher levels is what will make the difference. We start with ourselves and our own consciousness and an intention to stay open, loving and creative; to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. In everyday life I do not always succeed in staying in this higher vibration, like everyone else I can be irritated, impatient, stressed, angry, sad, the whole gamut of contracted feelings. But in a group that meets with the express intention of expanding energy and consciousness, it’s much easier. And this weekly energy boost reminds each of us that we’re not alone but connected to a movement of conscious energy shifters around the planet.
The global crisis is real and serious, yet we don’t have to buy into a doomsday scenario, instead we can choose to live as if the Whole New World is already here and embody it right here and now.
Here are some suggestions for daily practice:
Breathe. Conscious breathing – following the breath all the way I and all the way out – is delicious! Just two or three minutes will reconnect you with yourself and with all of life because all life shares the same air. Breath is life.
Take some time every day, preferably first thing, to be in nature. Drop your thoughts and come to your senses: smell, listen, touch, taste, see. If you live in a city with no nature nearby, create your own corner of growing things and get a recording of water and birdsong.
Whenever you can, stand on the Earth with bare feet and feel your connection with the Earth, listen to what the Earth is communicating and talk back. Especially, tell the Earth how much you love and appreciate her for her beauty and bounty and all the ways she sustains us.
Think about all the things you love about your life and your immediate environment, no matter how bad life seems on a particular day we live like kings and queens compared to most people in the world and compared to how the majority lived 100 years ago. Appreciate, celebrate, be grateful, these feelings will immediately expand your heart and consciousness.
Once you connect with your heart energy, expand out from there to connect with all the other heart centered beings, let your heart light circle the world and hold it in a loving embrace.
Hold a vision for a whole new world, with the Earth restored to full glory.
From a place of unconditional love, feel the peace in your heart and connect soul to soul with all those who make decisions that affect our environment: the corporate leaders and politicians, speak to them from your heart.
Expand into the Universe and know how multi-dimensional and powerful you are.
And then, practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty: smile at strangers, ask the person at the supermarket check-out how she is and mean it, walk the talk, be wildly experimental with giving, give 100%, and have fun!
Listen here to a planetary healing meditation from our Sunday Soul Sanctuary:
If you would like to join us in the weekly telephone link up for Soul Sanctuary please email me: