I am tracing subtle energies through the portal of the heart,
beyond the five senses, into the unified field
where ancient patterns fold and unfold forever
and the toroidal movement of Universal Mind
makes angels and devas of us all
beating our wings to the rhythm
of unconditional love.
In this sacred space of presence, which is always ever here,
all life forms are in conversation, communion, co-operation,
inter-woven in One breathing life, One resonant frequency,
One plenitude.
This is how we organise ourselves, this is how we care –
minerals, plants, trees, fish, reptiles, insects, animals and humans –
all live consciously as a network of intelligent beings,
coming together in learning partnerships
practicing the art and science of observation
having the patience and willingness to listen
sensing the underlying patterns
aligning with the essential, autonomous, healthy,
healing web of relationship,
remembering the knowledge and power of regeneration.
Relaxed, not thinking,
we enter the imaginal realm
where all life is dreaming
patterned by the golden ratio
all life forms blessed and whole
in direct telepathic communication.
Plants are chemists, making life
from the unlimited energy of sunlight, practicing alchemy.
They are aware, sentient, intelligent beings
actively managing the eco-system of Earth
against all odds, maintaining homeostasis
over billions of years
orchestrating a global, biosynthetic symphony.
We can, if we choose, co-operate with life,
we can choose to cast off our old coats of hubris,
our belief in separation.
We can choose to put aside, for a time,
ideas, abstractions, language and technology –
the cultural tools that set us apart
and, instead, enter the trance of the inner world
travel through poetry, healing, symbols and meaning –
into the ecstasy of communion
the knowing beyond the human mind.
We can, if we choose, wise up and remember
our plant ancestors, bringers of life,
and through them enter the mind of Gaia,
and, through her, the Cosmic Mind.
Plants have been here for billions of years,
they carry the history of all time,
and hold the vital principle to give life.
Without plants there would be no human story –
these adaptable, evolutionary beings gave and give us life.
They communicate through light and sound, felt sensation,
vibrating resonance, speaking the common universal language
filling us with our essential nature.
Our plant friends – our dear partners and ancestors –
are calling now for our attention,
showing us our rightful place as stewards and caretakers,
helping us remember how to adapt and evolve.
These aware, intelligent, sentient, conscious beings,
these explorers with their growing tips
sensing into the light,
they see much better than we do
touch, smell, communicate
beyond the boundaries of matter, the world of frozen light,
through the spaces and the connections,
into the magnetic field, the ultra violet and shimmering infrared light.
Beneath the noise of the thinking mind
all life is consciousness, energy,
vibration emerging into matter.
Each moment is an opportunity to change original conditions
as they arise in consciousness;
we can choose to remember to take our rightful place
in the programme of life.
As our planetary home hurtles through space,
our cells are space, moving through space
and we are here, blessed
with the gifts of consciousness, choice and co-creation.
Rose Diamond September 27th 2015.
This poem was inspired by the Plant Consciousness Conference, held in London on September 26/27 and with gratitude to the following speakers at the conference: Dr Patrick MacManaway; Maddy Harland; Dr Dennis Mckenna; Bonny Case; Pam Montgomery; Drew Dellinger. http://www.plantconsciousness.com/speakers.html