February 27th Rose Diamond You have probably had times in your life when you seemed to walk through a doorway and everything changed; nothing was ever the same in your... read more →
February 22nd 2010, Rose Diamond Are you joining us for the 22 Days of Transformation which starts next Sunday, 28th February at 9am on a tele-conference call? If you haven’t... read more →
February 22nd 2010 Time Have you noticed how time expands and contracts? How, when you’re in a state of presence, time seems to disappear or you move into the eternal... read more →
Woods Elliott, 22nd February 2010 maslow’s self actualization ideas and studies of peak experiences Abe Maslow, one of my psychologist heroes from my earlier years as a psychotherapist, suggested each... read more →
15th February 2010 Rose Diamond Imagine being on an adventure with a group of like minded, heart centered souls. On Day 1, we step into the unknown together in a... read more →
15th February Woods Elliott I guess this deep wish to understand why existence is all that it is has always been tugging at my mind. As though my purpose in... read more →
15th February 2010 This week’s Magnificent Moments Rose Diamond Yes, this week has had some magnificent moments, and for me they’re times when I am vibrating at a higher frequency... read more →
For some people the word “soul” smacks of an old top-down religion and may even have traumatic cellular memory associations, because for sure in our collective past people demonstrating soulful... read more →
Rose Diamond Woods and I have been talking together about whether there is a difference between a soulful moment and a magnificent moment. In his article below, Woods writes about... read more →
The “One Law” of Universal Expansion by Woods Elliott One of my favorite subjects of thought is what I call cosmopsychology, or the study of how staggering it is to... read more →