Well! That’s the only word that sits on the open page for the longest time, as a state of relaxation pulls me into stillness. It has been a 35 ½... read more →
The last few days have been fun. My friend and I have been gathering furniture to make a group room, a little Soul Sanctuary, here in Nelson. I knew I... read more →
As soon as I stepped onto the Air New Zealand plane for the flight from LA to Auckland, I experienced a difference in the energy. The urgent go-go-go of the... read more →
July 4 2010, Rose Diamond As with any soul adventure, when I began the work which metamorphosed into A Whole New World I had no idea where it would lead... read more →
June 14th 2010, by Rose Diamond Stay cool in troubled times and PRACTICE RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS In these troubled times we are challenged to be super-human; to extend beyond... read more →
Have you been sorting out and letting go recently? I know it's a nightmare for some people when the time comes to face the chaos of accumulated possessions. But what... read more →
June 10th 2010, Rose Diamond On Saturday 27th December, 2008 we held our first local meeting of A Whole New World. It was New Moon in Capricorn, a potent time... read more →
April 20th 2010 by Rose Diamond There are millions of books and thousands of internet gurus showing us the way to success: buy this and success will be yours, do... read more →
One of the wonderful things about the creative process is there's always more to learn. Our lives may feel a little stale at times yet the creative process reminds us... read more →
What does it mean to do our soul work? Ah, there's a question that takes some pondering; a juicy question for inquiry. You could say soul work is a lifelong... read more →