Creating a good life story – the skill of staying focused on what’s most important I’ve just returned from a trip to West Wales, where a new story is pushing green shoots through the earth of my life. That’s set me pondering how we take the raw materials... read more →
In all the work I’ve been doing over the last few years, I keep coming back to a central myth that is so deep in our human conditioning it’s hard to shift. The myth is: If things go wrong there must be something wrong with you. I want to bust... read more →
Since you’ve made your way to Tribe in Transition, my guess is you’re someone who sees reality through the lens of a paradigm shift. And part of becoming skilled in paradigm shifting, is letting go of the old, making a space for the new, and then creating it. ... read more →
I’m on a path of transformation as I’m sure you are. How can we not be? Life is a continual process of transformation, journeying into the unknown. Only the mind attempts to solidify passing states into a reality we can know and understand and cling onto. The growing edge is... read more →
How do you feel when you begin a new creative project? If you're anything like me I guess you feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. I’ve written the first chapter of a new book this week. In some ways I’ve been working towards this book for nearly 40 years... read more →
What is the practice you use to connect you with your authentic inner wisdom and direction? How do you integrate your experience, or explore new ideas? What works every time? We’re all different and each of us has our own favourite modalities – for some walking in nature is the... read more →
In my last post I explored why the transformation of consciousness is such a big challenge both within our own psyches and within the culture. Today I want to take that a bit further and sketch some of the ways our spiritual power has been obscured over the ages as... read more →
Last week I launched an inquiry into how to live daily in love, abundance and fulfilment. Now I want to explore further why this isn’t just a fluffy personal agenda but a radical act of empowerment. What I’m talking about here is how we, as individuals, choose to be whole,... read more →
Over the last few months I’ve been noticing in myself and in others, all the ways we are not open to receive and the seriously limiting effects this has on our lives. How can we ever experience the sweet taste of success, happiness and fulfilment if we are not open... read more →
Have you been facing big challenges in these last few weeks and months? If you have, you are not alone. There is a quickening in the transformation of human consciousness which is providing us with all the opportunities we need to grow in love and wisdom. For me,... read more →