Aotearoa- New Zealand is a land that welcomed me and became my home for the best part of 20 years. Back in 1995, soon after I arrived here, I met Maori elder, Rose Pere. She said, "People come to New Zealand looking for the lost pieces of their soul. When... read more →
Many of us are sitting now in the pause between the breaths; in the space where the old ways no longer fit and the new ways are yet to be born. There is freedom and possibility here as well as risk and vulnerability. It can be hard to sit... read more →
Ever since the movie The Secret became so popular 12 years ago the idea has been planted in the collective consciousness that success lies in creating and having anything we want. While I agree we are all potentially powerful creators and at some level we do create our own... read more →
It’s about twenty years since I first became interested in ideas about the new paradigm. At first I grasped the concepts intellectually; I taught a couple of classes on the subject and it all felt very exciting and revolutionary. Since then life has unfolded a process of experiential... read more →
Resistance is an inevitable part of the creative process and we all experience it in one form or another. You’re powering along, happily enthusiastic, pursuing a creative idea, project or business venture. And then suddenly, your heels dig in and you find you’re floundering in the mud of uncertainty.... read more →
There are three series of conversations in the Sitting with Death Programme. The first focuses on Grieving Well, the second on Transforming Loss, and the third will explore The Soul Journey. All the contributors to these conversations affirmed how helpful it is to come together with others to share experiences... read more →
I love this time of year. I’m sitting at my desk looking out at the snow-capped mountains and swathes of horizontal hard rain, now turning to hailstones, bouncing off the garden wall. And the bay is obscured by mist for moments and then everything changes dynamically again into light.... read more →
Transition and transformation aren’t necessarily big deals. They can happen on a daily, moment to moment basis. The ability to be able to shift our state of consciousness and emotion is essential for peace of mind and resilience. With practice, we can choose to make the transition from misery or... read more →
If you can read and understand this poem, send something back; a burning strand of hair a still-warm, still-liquid drop of blood a shell, thickened from being battered year on year, send something back. - The Images, from A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far, by Adrienne Rich... read more →
Grief is potentially a transformational process There can surely be no doubt that, as a species, we humans are facing devastating problems which threaten all life on Earth, and which we are blatantly failing to solve at a political level. We each find our own ways of living with this... read more →