15th February 2010 Quotes of the week "It seems obvious to me that we have entered a new time - discovering perhaps that things don't feel the same anymore - that our sense of time is more multidimensional than linear. That there is a sense of awakening to something profound... read more →
February 15th 2010 Consciousness shifts are central to transformation As the global deathing/birthing process deepens, people all over the world are experiencing an existential crisis. This is a crisis of perception and meaning. When we look at what is happening in the world we may be totally focused on the... read more →
For some people the word “soul” smacks of an old top-down religion and may even have traumatic cellular memory associations, because for sure in our collective past people demonstrating soulful qualities and healing gifts were persecuted most horribly by those in power. For me, soul is what makes sense of... read more →
Rose Diamond Woods and I have been talking together about whether there is a difference between a soulful moment and a magnificent moment. In his article below, Woods writes about the expansiveness of realizing we are cosmic beings, evolution-in-action, and part of a magnificent Universe. I love these wide-open peak... read more →
The “One Law” of Universal Expansion by Woods Elliott One of my favorite subjects of thought is what I call cosmopsychology, or the study of how staggering it is to the human being to have such an ungraspably infinite setting for one’s home. I mean our location here in the... read more →
Rose and Woods We both explored our own soul journeys for many years before we met in 2006 on the Internet. We were attracted to each other through our shared love of Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, a deep fascination for expanding consciousness through practicing presence, and a passionate desire for global... read more →
Welcome to Magnificent Being, the blog for people who are living their highest potential by creating a soulful life and a soulful world. It's the last day of January and this first month of 2010 has taken off like a space rocket. Here at A Whole New World a shift... read more →
People often say to me, "I'd love to be living my passion but I don't know what my passion is" . How do you know what your unique gifts are? That's a great question. And what I love about great questions is, as soon as you ask them the answers... read more →