Well! That’s the only word that sits on the open page for the longest time, as a state of relaxation pulls me into stillness. It has been a 35 ½ hour journey from Williamsburg Virginia to Pakawau Golden Bay: four planes and a drive over the mountain. It was worth... read more →
The last few days have been fun. My friend and I have been gathering furniture to make a group room, a little Soul Sanctuary, here in Nelson. I knew I was coming back to New Zealand to create a retreat centre and had no idea how that would happen, and... read more →
As soon as I stepped onto the Air New Zealand plane for the flight from LA to Auckland, I experienced a difference in the energy. The urgent go-go-go of the USA was left behind at the gate and the time chariot to transport me back to my soul home stood... read more →
July 4 2010, Rose Diamond As with any soul adventure, when I began the work which metamorphosed into A Whole New World I had no idea where it would lead me. I’ve just completed a course in Integral Enlightenment in which we focused on understanding the evolutionary impulse and becoming... read more →
July 3 2010, Rose Diamond Woods and I were having a conversation this morning over breakfast as we relaxed into the blessedly cooler weather. We’ve been steaming for weeks here in Virginia, blaming it on global warming. We were using big words like Hope, Faith, Trust and Commitment as we... read more →
June 26th 2010, Rose Diamond I have just passed a happy couple of hours reading all the good news from Yes! Magazine, http://www.yesmagazine.org I decided to copy this extract from an article by David Korten "The Big Picture: 5 ways to know if you're making a difference." http://www.yesmagazine.org/new-economy/the-big-picture-5-ways-to-know-if-youre-making-a-difference This is... read more →
June 14th 2010, by Rose Diamond Stay cool in troubled times and PRACTICE RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS In these troubled times we are challenged to be super-human; to extend beyond our human limitations into our divine powers of love, creativity, forgiveness and compassion. We’re each experiencing the challenge of global... read more →
Have you been sorting out and letting go recently? I know it's a nightmare for some people when the time comes to face the chaos of accumulated possessions. But what a relief it is to live more simply without so much stuff. When I look back through my own life... read more →
June 10th 2010, Rose Diamond On Saturday 27th December, 2008 we held our first local meeting of A Whole New World. It was New Moon in Capricorn, a potent time for planting seeds, and we met to create New Moon Magic. I am re-cycling this article now as I get... read more →
may 15, 2010, by Rose Diamond You have to love something very much to bring it into being. I’m not a biological mother this lifetime but it’s easy to see how much you have to want and love a child to carry her in your body for nine months, then... read more →