Let me introduce you to the new teleseminar series of interviews I have just started at A Whole New World. It’s a series about being a new culture maker, co-creating a new culture which reflects the Whole New Humans we’re becoming. A Whole New World is a resource for... read more →
One of the meanings I have taken from our experience of being made homeless by natural disaster is that I am here to tell the tale. This is not just my tale or the tale of Golden Bay, it is the story of humanity in transition. This is what I... read more →
On the afternoon of our first day of homelessness after the landslide, we returned to the house and discovered that the earth had broken in through the kitchen window and was oozing into the room. The house was flimsily built and the entire kitchen/livingroom wall was buckled. It was eerie... read more →
In my last blog post I started to share the story of how the home I shared with my friend Maggie in Golden Bay was hit by a landslide in the recent floods, and how we learned to turn the crisis into true wealth. Here’s the next episode of the... read more →
Welcome to A Whole New World 2012 One month ago, on December 14th, after 3 days of torrential rain, our beautiful small community of Golden Bay was overwhelmed by flood and the home I shared with my soul friend and co-evolutionary, Maggie, was damaged beyond repair by a landslide. It... read more →
Doing whatever it takes: the journey of a new culture maker A Whole New Human launched yesterday with a wonderful deep discovery conversation with Barry Brailsford, New Zealand author and wisdom carrier. As I was preparing for the interview and taking another look at some of Barry’s books, a whole... read more →
There’s a whole new world emerging all around us, within us and through us. Can you feel it? I’d love to know how the creative impulse to make the new is expressing through you, in your life right now. One of the things I love most about being tuned into... read more →
The way things are unfolding in the world I’m finding it difficult to hold a clear focus at times. Living with the degree of uncertainty posed by the possibility of another earthquake and the devastating news of the tsunami in Japan, the question keeps arising, what is the most important... read more →
For all of us living here in Aotearoa – New Zealand life took one of those irreversible shifts last Tuesday when we heard about the quake in Christchurch. Those who have lost loved ones or whose homes and livelihoods have been destroyed, it is too soon to talk about the... read more →
Last Saturday a group of women came together for the second Soul Sisters Retreat in beautiful Cable Bay, near Nelson. My friend’s house backs onto the tidal estuary. Both the house and the abundant rose filled garden have been created with lots of love and care and as soon as... read more →