Ever since the movie The Secret became so popular 12 years ago the idea has been planted in the collective consciousness that success lies in creating and having anything we want. While I agree we are all potentially powerful creators and at some level we do create our own reality, I’ve always found this particular philosophy misguided, dangerous and incomplete.
What happens in those times when life throws us a curve ball and difficult things happen? Do we judge ourselves as a failure? When things don’t go as planned, do we beat ourselves up for not being good enough? Do we judge others who are experiencing hardship? How do we make sense of collective suffering such as that unfolding in Syria and the dangerous posturing of our political leaders – this is also part of our reality – did you and I create this?
I find it reassuring to remember life is a very complex system of energy, intelligence and information that has been evolving for eons and that actually life has a life of its own! Life can’t be pushed around by our little needs and wants. Our freedom lies in choosing how we respond to the unfolding reality of life and in choosing the values we embody and who we choose to be in relationship with life.
In my understanding, a crucial part of the shift to the new paradigm is learning to surrender to how life is showing up in each moment. And that means desisting from the attempt to push, shove, resist or manipulate reality to go the way we want it to go or how we think it should go. It means letting go of striving and efforting and running ourselves ragged trying to make something happen or trying to get something from the outside to fill us up or make us feel good. Letting go of the old ways of pushing and striving and wanting and getting can be confusing for a while.
Instead, when we let go, relax, and we’re willing to be with emptiness and in silence, deeply listening to intuition, that’s when we can align with the wisdom of soul and know that everything we want is already present.
When we are present, without judgment, open and aligned with soul, that’s when the magic happens. That’s when we connect with the source and life begins to unfold through us into the creative flow. And we become joyful co-creators with life.
So the practice many of us are adopting now is not about doing more but doing less and being more. It’s not so much about creating more but about holding space. It’s not about filling ourselves up but emptying ourselves out and being open to receive. It’s a practice of radical trust and choosing.