28th February 2010
22 Days of Transformation, Day 1: We are the Doorway
I want to thank those of you who courageously showed up this morning to begin a collective adventure. Our 22 Days of Transformation got off to a wonderful start when we stepped through a doorway into a new space. This exploration into the new and unknown is not for everyone, it takes a special kind of pioneer to go out and consciously seek such change. And yet once you get a taste for it, it is really quite delicious and not scary at all.
We talked of letting go of our old stories, our old ideas of who we are and what is possible and we discovered experientially how easy such letting go can be. Once we have a desire to move on and an awareness of a limiting thought or pattern, we can simply choose to release it. No big deal!
We each identified something in our life we want to transform during these 22 Days: we don’t have to know how, we just have to really want it and intend it. So if you weren’t able to be there on this first day, I invite you to do that now. See the aspect of your life you want to change, feel it, hear it, smell it, touch it, taste it. Thank it for having travelled this far with you and serving its purpose, and then let the image go.
Being in a heart centered group really helps to lift us into a higher energy where anything seems, and is, possible. In the higher energy of transformation we transcend many of our problems or we see them from a new perspective and can more easily find and invent solutions for them.
I remember the words of one group member in another community gathering recently when we were discussing the earthquake in Chile and the threat of tsunami in Hawaii. “Even though our hearts are touched with compassion and we want to help, our work is to clean up our own backyards.” Yes, and that means letting go of negative thoughts from the mind, constricting patterns from the emotions, blame from relationships, and all the rest of those shadows we humans are prone to. Do you love the idea of living free from all that as much as I do?
I took the wonderful energy from the group with me through the morning and into a conversation with Woods. We sat for a couple of hours just reveling in the energy. I experienced a stillness, a sense of being so complete I had no need to move and a beautiful lightness of being.
“What if” we said, “it’s not just that we are choosing to walk through a doorway into the new, but we are the doorway?” What if we are a vehicle for the universal intelligence, life-love-force, evolutionary impulse, call it what you will. Then surely, our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to learn to co-create with this intelligence the best we can. Surely, as a group we can channel exponentially more of this life-love force than we can alone. Do you think this is what the Earth is calling us to do?
Dear Rose,
I had to attend a workshop today and wasn’t able to participate this morning. This evening I listened to the phone call and was very moved. Even though I listened to the recording I was able to connect to the energy of the group. Listening to your guided meditation and reading your blog an image of myself came to mind, which wants to be released. I feel inspired and uplifted to embrace this change. Thank you for the opportunity and time you give to all of us to move forward in our spiritual evolution. Due to my commute from Cville to NN I will not be able to participate every morning, but will be in touch as much as I can.
Love, Beate
Absolutely, Rose. The process is getting out of the way so that
we can channel that lovely, light/life force. A shaman I worked with said we should allow ourselves to be like a hollow reed so we can walk on the earth with the Great Spirit.
Thank you, again for being the doorway.
Rose –
Thank you so much for this experience. While I did not get to be on the call live, I love the replay. The door I envisioned was very similar to the one in your post! It was inside of a very large building (could have been a palace) with the most beautiful golden light on the other side of it — like bright morning sunshine coming in.
I know for me, more and more, it is about co-creating with the love-life force, and leaving my old ways of being and doing. I am re-inventing my life in a whole new way. One free to be, one more detached from circumstances and things, one more connected to my life force. Fun, fabulous, and FREE!
Looking forward to all of the calls!
Keep shining your Lovelight!
The opening meditation was absolutely wonder-FULL! I am calm and at the same time so very energized in a not frenzied way.. and right now, with life matters that must be attended to, frenzy is not a welcome companion.
I shared about cell phones, new methods of childbirth, other magickal technologies. These are all gifts of our physical world that are a true shift in “how things are/have been done” for many of us.. The same can be said for the gift of transformation on all other levels. We are inprocess of discovering new ways of thinking, of being , of looking at life. As we give name for this new way of being, we will embrace it in the same way as we have now embraced new technologies and new ways of many life processes.
I have always used the locked door as part of a teaching moment for my children and others. One never knows unless one grasps the knob and turns if the door is lock or unlocked. If we choose not to try the knob, we are sealing our fate in what already is even if it no longer serves. IF we choose to try the knob, we are opening to allow for all possibilities to be revealed to us as the door swings OPEN.. This is the realm of possibility.. As we push open the door, we step through into YES to all that LIFE has to offer us.IT is into this world that we who are OPEN to transformation and to BE-ing the transformation step with awe and amazement. Surely, the miracles that will occur in the wonderful place of transformation will astound us all! I so look forward to this journey and to the friends and family I will meet on the way.
namaste, nancyBe