Artwork Credit: Roberto Weigand

Welcome to Tribe in Transition – Practices and Learning Communities to Support Your Journey to Authenticity, Wholeness and Creative Empowerment

It’s here!

My new book, A Story of Transformation, How grieving my brother’s death brought me gifts of healing and awakened me to our power to renew the world.

Click Here to Buy

It is very challenging to maintain a state of inner wholeness and equilibrium with so much turmoil and uncertainty in the world.

Those of us on a conscious healing and creative path are constantly being challenged to evolve. No matter how many skills you have, these transformations are always testing.

When you are making your best contribution to a positive future, the creative process will always dare you to stretch beyond your comfort zone.

Alone, none of us can make the radical shifts necessary to stay aligned with expanded consciousness and thriving life. We all need connection, support, simple practices and pathways.

At Tribe in Transition we offer you:

  • Stimulus materials to help you to thrive in uncertainty, move through grief and loss, navigate your soul journey and master your creative process. These resources will spark your inquiries, help you discover the truth of your own experience, to stand on solid ground and take your next step.
  • Understanding of the transformational process so that you can skillfully co-operate with whatever is emerging in your life and create the present and future you choose.
  • Simple practices and encouragement to keep choosing to live whole-heartedly, face into all aspects of your experience and find the gifts hiding in the shadows.
  • Intentional spaces for deep discovery conversations where together we can create islands of coherence in the collective sea of chaos.

Join a like-hearted tribe for deep discovery, expanded awareness and joyful creativity.

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Rose Diamond is a visionary author and inspiring soul guide who walks the talk of psycho-spiritual transformation. She is known for her skill in creating group spaces which are safe, expansive and compassionate. Rose’s experiential programmes and books provide liberating big picture perspectives alongside simple practices for accessing your deepest wisdom.

“With the wisdom of the great mentor that she is, Rose eloquently inspires us to live more authentically so we can access our full soul potential and be loving, creative change-makers.”  – Dawn Grace Kelly, author of Truth, Spirit, Love: The Essential Guide to Healing.

Free your creative genius and realise the dream that’s written in your soul

“We are each a fractal of the greater whole which is always attempting to make itself known through us.

This is a time for gathering in our deepest wisdom.

A time for sitting with death and finding the courage to rest in the unknown.

A time for connecting with our sources of renewal, and with each other.

A time for choosing life. “